LinkedIn Local Kochi 1.0

26/10/2019 | Completed Event

The first edition of LinkedIn Local Kochi was held at the World Trade Center. LinkedIn Local is a platform to meet up online connections, understand their approach towards their job, identify different workspace cultures, and learn what all tech/soft skills are needed for a particular opening or for promotion. The programme had participants from industries like IT, digital marketing, healthcare, finance, education, startups and students. Mr. Najid Pasha, CEO at SEEROO IT Solutions; Mr. Anish K Raju, Founder, Roindex Digital and Mr. Mathew Joy, Content Marketer & Entrepreneur were the Speakers. Mr. Najid Pasha spoke about how failures can be useful to budding entrepreneurs and shared his experiences – how he found alternate ways to do a task after it had gone wrong. Mr. Mathew Joy talked about his journey from being an engineer to a content marketer. He spoke about how a content marketer helps businesses reach new customers. Mr. Anish Raju explained the potential of LinkedIn as a professional network where he highlighted the need for being ‘active’ in the platform. He also demonstrated a few of LinkedIn’s lesser known, but useful features to the audience. Attended used the forum for networking.