Accounting for a Better World - Priorities for a Transforming Profession

21/03/2023 | Completed Event

The first episode of the Master Talk Series was conducted with a panel discussion on “Accounting for a Better World”. This was done in collaboration with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and World Trade Centers London & Gibraltar. Panellists included - CA.Rohin Koppuravuri, Deputy Director, DPE, Ministry of Finance & GM, National Land Monetization Corporation(NLMC);  CA. Amrith Lal, Convenor for Finance & Taxation Panel, FICCI, Tamilnadu State Council; Mr Palaniappan Nachiappan, Company Secretary & General Manager – Finance, Bluedart Aviation Ltd. Ms. Naina V G, Head of Employer Relationships, ACCA moderated the session. Mr. Rohin Koppuravuri shared that almost 120 trillion dollar investment is required to meet the sustainability development goals prescribed by UN which we the nation is trying to achieve by 2030. Finance professionals have scope in the environmental audits for companies. They can also help keep the valuation of companies in check. He opined  that technology like blockchain enables to keep the malpractices in accounting in check, hence this is becoming a requirement for modern finance job roles. Mr. Palaniappan Nachiappan observed that presently contribution to ESG is a matter of important discussion among organizations and various metrics are now available to measure this. Accounting profession has evolved to include aspects of ESG also. He mentioned the steps taken in his organisation to reduce emissions and track carbon footprints. He feels employees need to take ethical decisions keeping in mind the long term implications and not just the short term gains for an organisation. Mr. Amrith Lal explained the various initiatives taken by FICCI for entrepreneurs, startups etc. to support economic growth. He said in order to make India a hub of business, there should be improved ease and cost of doing business. He suggested that a single point window be set up to make new companies be aware of compliances while applying for registration. He praised the efforts from the Government which has lead to a thriving business environment for startups. He added that startups are now focusing on having a lean asset model. Mr. Hrishikesh Nair, President, WTC Chennai and Kochi delivered the welcome address. Mr. Ed Allison -Wright, President, WTC London and Gibraltar provided the context setting speech and Mr. Vivek George, WTC Bengaluru, Kochi Chennai gave the closing remarks. The recording of the session can be viewed here - Accounting for a better world- Priorities for a transforming Profession.mp4